cstick Cotton Candy – Another device for forensics to consider

Jon Rajewski computer forensics

We’ve all seen USB boot devices running our favorite Linux distros, but what about a standalone device that looks like a normal thumb drive that’s actually a standalone computer? Meet the csstick Cotton Candy. This device can run Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich/Ubuntu operating systems and can be connected to anything with a HDMI input (TV/monitor etc) and have the ability to connect to …

DFIRonline Crypto Presentation Reflection

Jon Rajewski cryptology, DFIR

First off, I want to thank Mike Wilkinson for asking me to present at the February 2012 DFIROnline videocast. The presentation topic was “A hands on (pen/paper) exercise in basic cryptology and cryptanalysis”. We had about 45 people in attendance. The session was interactive and my goal was to really help people appreciate the art of manual ciphertext decryption. Kryptos – Discussed in …

Series Introduction – Senior Capstone

Jon Rajewski SP2012Capstone

Senior Capstone class is a course where students are expected to research into a new or emerging technology topic related to digital forensics. We also ask students to reflect on their general education (we call it the CORE) and provide context to their work.

Video – Champlain College Computer Forensic Professor Jonathan Rajewski and Senior Student Jason Hall on WCAX (CBS Affiliate)

Jon Rajewski DFIR, hands on, in the news, Senator Leahy Center for Digital Investigation

                                                                         BURLINGTON, Vt.- Digital data from devices that use it often makes up the modern fingerprints of today’s most devious criminals. Digital forensics– finding those …

Jonathan Rajewski to appear on WCAX (CBS Affiliate) tonight

Jon Rajewski champlain college, DFIR, Senator Leahy Center for Digital Investigation

I’m very excited to be featured on WCAX’s “The :30” tonight – the show time is scheduled to begin at 5:30PM. I will be accompanied by Jason Hall – a Champlain College Senior Computer / Digital Forensic Student. I’ve worked with Jason for the past few years as a professor and more recently as the Director at the Senator Leahy Center for Digital Investigation. …

54% of Computer / Digital Forensic Seniors at Champlain College Have Job Offers 6 Months Before Graduation

Jon Rajewski champlain college

In January 2012, when I polled the current computer forensic undergraduate senior class I was very happy to learn that 54% of them had standing job offers. This is a true testament of their hard work and dedication as well as Champlain College’s commitment to offering a career focused education. With an amazing Career Service team and other groups on campus …

"Wait, I just found my password"

Jon Rajewski cryptology, curriculum, hands on, SP2012FOR260

In today’s Digital Forensic Tool Evaluation class we were using FTK Imager. I walked the class through the fundamentals and then through some of advanced features. I was very happy with the questions I was getting – this really shows that the students were “getting it”. That said I wanted to share a fun story from class – When I …

DFIROnline – Rajewski is presenting on Crypto

Jon Rajewski cryptology

I’m going to be giving a talk on basic cryptology/cryptanalysis on February 16, 2012. Here is a link to the event. Some expectations that I want to set – 1) I’m not a mathematician and I won’t melt your brain2) You will need a pen and paper3) We will be focusing on historical cryptology4) We will be breaking cyphers by …