Think before you ReTweet that Anonymous post…

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

Barrett Lancaster Brown, a journalist who posted a hyperlink in an IRC chat was indicted on December 7, 2012 by the US Department of Justice. According to the press release”By transferring and posting the hyperlink, Brown caused the data to be made available to other persons online, without the knowledge and authorization of Stratfor and the card holders”

Hello world!

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

It's been a while, but for a good reason…

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

My wife and I had our first baby in June. I’ve been spending a lot of time with the family so I’ve been pretty much non-existant on social media. I plan on being back full tilt sometime in August. Until then, please enjoy this photo. This has been one of our favorite places to get to know each other. Jonathan spending quality time …

Jonathan Rajewski appeared on Fox44 News

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

On April 23, 2012, Jonathan Rajewski appeared on Fox44’s evening news. The topic of the conversation surrounded the DNSChanger malware and how on/after July 9th, 2012 those infected won’t be “protected” any longer. We also discussed how one could check to see if they are infected, remediation steps and best practices to avoid these types of malicious tools. Below is a video of the …

Champlain College ITS Technology Conference April 21, 2012

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

All systems are go for this weekend’s first ITS technology conference (“CUT”).  More information can be found here: Who can attend?   Anyone! (feel free to forward) Location:                   Champlain College – Hauke 005 Date:                          This Saturday (April 21, 2012) When:                       9:30am-3:30pm (followed by ITS Capstone presentations from3:30pm-5:00pm in the Hauke Conference Room) Anyone may attend, but …

What is this place?

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

I decided to create a blog to disseminate my thoughts on topics relating to a few of my passions. Topics discussed here will sometimes relate to the classes I’m teaching or something that I stumbled upon in my daily activities.  I hope you enjoy your stay 🙂