Video – Champlain College Computer Forensic Professor Jonathan Rajewski and Senior Student Jason Hall on WCAX (CBS Affiliate)

Jon Rajewski DFIR, hands on, in the news, Senator Leahy Center for Digital Investigation

                                                                         BURLINGTON, Vt.- Digital data from devices that use it often makes up the modern fingerprints of today’s most devious criminals. Digital forensics– finding those …

"Wait, I just found my password"

Jon Rajewski cryptology, curriculum, hands on, SP2012FOR260

In today’s Digital Forensic Tool Evaluation class we were using FTK Imager. I walked the class through the fundamentals and then through some of advanced features. I was very happy with the questions I was getting – this really shows that the students were “getting it”. That said I wanted to share a fun story from class – When I …

Senator Patrick Leahy visits the Leahy Center for Digital Investigation (LCDI) at Champlain College

Jon Rajewski computer forensics, hands on, in the news

On Monday, November 14, 2011 Senator Patrick Leahy visited the Leahy Center for  Digital Investigation. Adopted from Patrick Leahy’s website:  Since 2006 Leahy has secured $1.15 million in Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance grants to provide educational and technical support to Vermont law enforcement agencies, relating to crime-solving digital enforcement issues.  After receiving the grants, Champlain College invested additional college …