Do you need help any Digital Forensic/CyberSecurity research?

Jon Rajewski capstone projects, champlain college, computer forensics

I see a lot of questions on Twitter, email listserves, Google+ etc about technical challenges Digital Forensic/Incident Responders are dealing with on a daily basis. I know that we’re all very busy at our jobs and sometimes we just don’t have time to conduct research into a particular project. I would like to offer a solution – a class of eager undergraduate …

Think before you ReTweet that Anonymous post…

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

Barrett Lancaster Brown, a journalist who posted a hyperlink in an IRC chat was indicted on December 7, 2012 by the US Department of Justice. According to the press release”By transferring and posting the hyperlink, Brown caused the data to be made available to other persons online, without the knowledge and authorization of Stratfor and the card holders”

Hello world!

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Mobile Device Forensics – Course Update

Jon Rajewski champlain college, curriculum, FA2012FOR310, mobile device forensics

It’s been a few weeks since the last update, but things have been busy. The Fall 2012 term is now in Week 5 (wow, the semester is flying by). We’ve covered the following topics: Cell phone usage and data Cell phone network architecture / infrastructure Carriers and how they play a role (or not using a carrier all together – create your own) Procedures I’m …

Engage Digital Forensic / Incident Response Students. Why is this a good idea?

Jon Rajewski champlain college, computer forensics, Professors

In the ever growing field of digital forensics / incident response there is a great need for professionals to mentor/assist those currently trying to break into the industry. Some of you reading this are literally the “rock stars” of DFIR community – and students know this. We all have mentors and people that we aspire to be like. In the above video, …

Jonathan Rajewski to speak at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester

Jon Rajewski computer forensics, cybercrime

I’ve been asked to give a presentation at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester on November 1, 2012. Here is a link to the program. Below is a description of what I will be presenting on. Computing Showcase in Digital Forensics Event Details Public ProgramDate: November 1, 2012Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pmVenue: Third floor auditorium Learn about current …

Operating System Forensics – Week 1 Overview

Jon Rajewski champlain college, computer forensics, curriculum, FA2012FOR340

The first week of classes went well for this course. One of the questions I love ask students after I go over the course schedule is “what would they like me to present on in addition to what I planned?”. The overwhelming response from students (mostly junior / senior –  Computer Forensic / Computer Networking and Security) was Malware Analysis. Typically I …

Series Introduction: Operating System Forensics

Jon Rajewski champlain college, computer forensics, FA2012FOR340

This is the first post for the 2012 Fall Operating System Forensics course at Champlain College. This course is focused on teaching students how to extract and analyze information from some of the most commonly seen operating systems. We will explore aspects from basic analysis all the way through some of the most leading edge analysis methodologies that will help …

Series Introduction: Mobile Device Forensics

Jon Rajewski champlain college, computer forensics, FA2012FOR310, mobile device forensics

This is the introduction post for my Fall 2012 Mobile Device Forensics course. This is a brand new course and will be actively developed over the semester. During this course students will learn about cell phone / mobile device / embedded system technologies. Over the next 15 weeks we will delve into everything from how cell phones and their respective networks work, how information is stored on mobile devices, how …