Jonathan Rajewski to speak at Sugarbush Resort

Jon Rajewski computer forensics, CyberSecurity

Cybersecurity is becoming the Number 1 concern for General Counsels and Directors. ( On Thursday, September 27, 2012 I will be speaking at the Sugarbush Resort on the topic of Cybersecurity. Here is a link to the program on Champlain College’s website. Click here for the PDF. Below is a visual of the agenda. After the presentation I will post up slides/content.

Cybersecurity Act of 2012 and College Education

Jon Rajewski CyberSecurity

CyberSecurity is a very broad term that could be considered an umbrella expression for a number of areas. In 2009 President Obama declared that the “cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation” and that “America’s economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity.”  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) put …

GPT partitioning scheme resource

Jon Rajewski computer forensics, file system forensics

Finding the right information when you’re looking for it sometimes takes a while. I wanted to share with you some information that I quickly put together on the GPT partitioning scheme. While doing some course development work for a graduate couse titled “Operating System Analysis“and I wanted to locate a current resource on the GPT partitioning scheme. Of course we …

It's been a while, but for a good reason…

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

My wife and I had our first baby in June. I’ve been spending a lot of time with the family so I’ve been pretty much non-existant on social media. I plan on being back full tilt sometime in August. Until then, please enjoy this photo. This has been one of our favorite places to get to know each other. Jonathan spending quality time …

Computer Forensic Failures – File system issues

Jon Rajewski computer forensic failures

I’m very happy to report that I received short story that clearly resulted in the author learning from their actions. The author of this story wished to remain anonymous. The below story has not been edited but a picture was added for those that have never seen an an IBM AIX tower. IBM AIX Server I saw your post on one of …

Jonathan Rajewski appeared on Fox44 News

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

On April 23, 2012, Jonathan Rajewski appeared on Fox44’s evening news. The topic of the conversation surrounded the DNSChanger malware and how on/after July 9th, 2012 those infected won’t be “protected” any longer. We also discussed how one could check to see if they are infected, remediation steps and best practices to avoid these types of malicious tools. Below is a video of the …

Champlain College ITS Technology Conference April 21, 2012

Jon Rajewski Uncategorized

All systems are go for this weekend’s first ITS technology conference (“CUT”).  More information can be found here: Who can attend?   Anyone! (feel free to forward) Location:                   Champlain College – Hauke 005 Date:                          This Saturday (April 21, 2012) When:                       9:30am-3:30pm (followed by ITS Capstone presentations from3:30pm-5:00pm in the Hauke Conference Room) Anyone may attend, but …

Jonathan Rajewski – Computer & Digital Forensic Professor – Recognized as one of the nations "Best 300 Professors" by The Princeton Review

Jon Rajewski award, champlain college, computer forensics, in the news

“It’s all about the students” – This was my answer to the question “Why do you teach?” posed to me few weeks ago by an industry professional. Preparing students for their future careers in the digital forensic / incident response / cyber security industries is something that I really enjoy. It’s also one ways I can contribute to the cyber security / computer forensic …

Capstone Update

Jon Rajewski champlain college, computer forensics, SP2012Capstone

The end is near… Only a nine more days until this year’s Champlain College computer forensic senior capstone projects are due. In the past few weeks however, some of them have modified and/or completely changed their projects. The good news is, they are all diligently working on something that is relevant to what they plan on doing after graduation. The …